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"I've been watching a lot of films of studio Ghibli lately, always been fasciniated by the creativity and randomness of these films. It's so weird and impossible you're going to believe it might be possible after all. The films have been helping me the last weeks during quarantaine. They spark my imagination and when I walk at night outside and see a tree in the light of a lantarn, it gives the same spark and I start thinking that maybe all the unpossible stories about fairies, creatures etc. might be possible? I wonder if I could make up such a storie and make myself believe it might be true"

"I want to give people that feeling of discovering a secret or something magical. To encourage them to believe in other things than only what we can see. To spark this childlike imagination that is in all of us. To help to escape the real world. There can be another world, if you believe in it". 


To help to feel this feeling of hope, I will hide 5 of the images I took in the dunes and beach. Each of them hidden near the place where I saw what I captured on the images. I will put them in carton boxes with a story in it that will tell a 'fairytale' about the found images. Whoever finds it may take it with them, as a found treasure, hoping they feel excited and look different to things they see."

I asked my sister (who is a storyteller herself and way better with words than I am) to make a fairytale-like story that would fit my images and reflected on the current situation:

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In addition to the scavenger hunt I made a visual essay. This is also my final presentation.

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